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Halal Certification Meaning and Requirements for Going Global
Halal means lawful in Arabic and makes you aware of the dietary standards according to the verses of the Quran. So, to ensure that you follow all the quality and standards while preparing the food products, Halal food certification is important. If the food preparation is not according to the prescribed rules, it will be considered Haram or non-permitted. So, as a maker, you have to take additional care in selling food and beverages in the countries of the Middle East and other Muslim dominated areas.
Requirements for Halal Certification
● Food Safety and cleanliness in the preparation process
● Sanitization and conditions of the premises
● Handling and processing of the food products
● Product distribution techniques and authenticity
● Valid documents
● Machines and apparatus used
● Product Serving and appropriate storage facilities
● Display of the products
● Labeling and packaging procedures
Only an authorized halal certification authority can provide this Certification to make your business flourish in the long run.
Types of Halal Certification
There are immense benefits if you follow the Halal standard, especially in selling the products at a profit to the Muslim community. However, the non-Muslim communities also check these specifications nowadays to get confirmation about food quality and safety. This Certification will increase the marketability of your brand in different Muslim-dominated countries.
The consumable substances can be in various forms and types. Hence, you need to adhere to multiple rules depending on the types of Halal Certification. The essential schemes in this respect are hereunder;-
● Industrial Scheme
● Product Endorsement Scheme
● Food, Beverage and Catering Scheme
● Warehouse or Storage Scheme
● Abattoir Scheme
Thus, it is evident that such a certificate covers all the aspects of the food industry to ensure that it Is completely safe for human consumption. Moreover, if you are dealing with non-veg products, like meat, fish or any variants, please apply for the Halal meat certification.
Are you in urgent need of a Halal certificate? Please intimate your needs to the officials of DGCS. The expert professionals will confirm the rates with you and proceed with the certificate procedure. Moreover, we make sure that everything is complete within a specific time. Charges are within your pockets and will not give you an extra burden.